Fostering and Social Care Workshops

Session we can deliver in person or via Zoom


2 Hour courses on Zoom or In-person at your venue.

Multiple topics can be combined to make half-day or full day training.

Workshops are for social workers, foster carers and other social care professionals.

Assertive Advocacy

Equipping social workers to challenge their child’s school to ensure better outcomes, particularly in professional multi-agency .

Effective PEP Meetings

Having sat through literally 100s of PEPs in the last 3 years, you now have this course to show you a more excellent way!

Understanding the Virtual School

Exploration into what the Virtual School is legally responsible for and how it inter-relates with your role as the LA Social Worker. How to better work with VS outside of your local authority.

Understanding the Pupil Premium+ Grant for CiC

Comprehensive run through of what PP is, how best to utilise it and ensure it’s only spent in the best interests of the child.

Suspensions and Exclusions

Exploring recent Government changes (since Sept 2022). What should Social Workers and the Virtual Schools be doing before/ when this happens.

School Transitions

An exploration into all transitions from Nursery all the way to university. Top tips directly from children and young people themselves.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

We put the lens on encourage ‘right/ positive’ behaviours. Includes over 50 top tips from professionals across a wide spectrum.

Exam Preparations

Whistle stop tour of the Phonics check, SATs, MTC to GCSEs.

Remote learning For and With Your Child

Lockdowns and completing schoolwork at home is now our reality! Be more aware of how to best support your child through it.

GCSEs & Year 9 Options

Raising awareness of GCSE requirements of all the major subjects. Extensive Resource Guide for social workers and young people included.

The National Curriculum

Whistle stop tour of the whole Primary & Secondary Curriculum. Tips for social workers at every relevant key stage.

Effective Learning for Your Child

Growth Mindset – Learning Styles – Ways you can support more effectively. Shifting children from limited/ closed thinking to open and ‘can do attitude’ thinking.

Apprenticeships & Post 16

During recent years of professional practice, it’s become evident that YP and Foster parents don’t know enough about Apprenticeships. This course aims to fix that!

Stay Put & Preparing for Independence

Legislation around Stay Put arrangements and the essential LifeSkills for young people.

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